The State and Commonwealth Governments are jointly investing $14.6 million to establish a Defence Industry Skills Centre of Excellence, positioning Western Australia at the centre of Australia’s sovereign defence capability.
The establishment of a Defence Precinct at WA’s Henderson shipyard underpins tens of billions of dollars of Commonwealth Government investment in defence capabilities in the State over the next two decades, which is projected to support 10,000 well-paid and highly skilled jobs.
To meet this workforce challenge, the State and Commonwealth Governments are investing $14.6 million in the Defence Industry Skills Centre of Excellence under the National Skills Agreement.
The Centre of Excellence will be led by South Metropolitan TAFE (SMT), recognised as the nation’s leading defence industry trainer at the 2024 Defence Connect Australian Defence Industry Awards, and will leverage training delivery across SMT’s defence industry-focused campuses along the Western Trade Coast.
Under the guidance of an Industry Advisory Board, the Centre of Excellence will provide a gateway for the industry to access training and workforce support to address skill requirements and grow the defence industry’s workforce for decades to come. It will also leverage long-standing partnerships with defence industry stakeholders to lead the design and delivery of training programs for the industry’s emerging skills needs.
As a priority, the Centre will develop and deliver AUKUS-specific skills and trades training to equip WA’s workforce to undertake nuclear-powered submarine maintenance and sustainment work and defence shipbuilding, sustainment, and maintenance activities.
An important focus of the Centre of Excellence will be driving workforce diversity and inclusion in the defence industry, through targeted programs and learner supports for women, young people, Aboriginal people, people with disability and Defence veterans.
The Defence Industry Skills Centre of Excellence will collaborate with schools and TEAM WA universities to exchange expertise and enhance study pathways between TAFE, schools and WA universities into defence industry roles. It will also network with TAFEs in other states and work with universities, Jobs and Skills Councils, employers, and unions to build defence industry skills across Australia.
WA’s defence industry offers exciting life-long careers, working with state-of-the-art and emerging technologies. The Defence Industry Skills Centre of Excellence will play a pivotal role in increasing awareness of training and career pathways for defence industry jobs, promoting the benefits and opportunities of careers within the industry and inspiring Western Australians to pursue defence industry careers.